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デンマーク語 Hej smukke. Jeg savner dig. Og jeg tænker pÃ¥ dig...
Hej smukke. Jeg savner dig. Og jeg tænker på dig hvert sekund der går. Jeg vil være sammen med dig, nu og for altid. Jeg håber på at se dig til næste år igen, og håber på at militæret vil give dig fri en dag eller to så du kan se mig. Jeg græd hele søndag aften da jeg kom hjem, det regnede og tordnede og det føltes som om hele verden var i mod mig. Men jeg kan kun tænke på dig og dine søde kys. Jeg holder meget af dig! Pas på dig selv. Og husk jeg tænker på dig som besat. Kys fra din skat.
Hejsa. er der nogen som kunne tænke sig at oversætte denne tekst for mig. ham som det er til er ikke så god til engelsk, så jeg vil overraske ham. hilsen en fortabt forelsket.

フランス語 Salut, beau gosse. Tu me manques. Et je pense à toi...
トルコ語 Hej smukke. Jeg savner dig. Og jeg tænker pÃ¥ dig...
フランス語 Ce soir nos 2 corps se mêlent Fiers ...
Ce soir nos 2 corps se mêlent
Fiers d'une étreinte parfaite
Et si elle veut la vie
Moi je lui donne la mienne
Elle a su m'affranchir
De mes souvenirs
Nos deux corps se mêlent
its a song by kyo - french rock

デンマーク語 I nat blander vores to kroppe sig Stolte
英語 Tonight our 2 bodies join
英語 everybody's got to learn sometime
Change your heart look around you
change your heart ıt will astound you
ı need your loving like the sunshine
and everybody's got to learn sometime
everybody's got to learn sometime

トルコ語 Herkes bazen öğrenmelidir
フランス語 Tout le monde doit apprendre quelques fois
デンマーク語 At alting ender er det eneste der føles trygt
At alting ender er det eneste der føles trygt
Teksten skal bruges til en tatovering.

フランス語 Que tout ait un fin est la seule chose qui sois certaine
ラテン語 Ut omne habebit finem est solum quod scio certe
フィンランド語 joskus pelkokin meitä kavahtaa
joskus pelkokin meitä kavahtaa
A fragment from the song "Punainen Komentaja" (Red Commander) from the album "Talvikuningas" (Winter King) of a Finnish rock band CMX.

英語 Sometimes even fear fears us
フランス語 Quelquefois même la peur nous effraie
デンマーク語 Nogle gange gør selv angsten os bange
ラテン語 Non umquam angor vel nos angit
フィンランド語 Jäykkä kuormituskehä Liikkuva...

Liikkuva kuormituspalkki


3- tai 4-piste taivutuslaitteisto
/ puristuslaitteisto /




英語 Rigid loadring Moving...
フランス語 Anneau de résistance Mobile...
トルコ語 kuÅŸ kanadi gibi kirik Yar tennine haram deÄŸdi...
kuÅŸ kanadi gibi kirik
Yar tennine haram deÄŸdi
Zamansiz BU ayrilik
Yar tenine Haram deÄŸdi
Zamansiz BU ayrilik
Kalbimi gomdüm toprağa
Ihlamurlar can aÄŸladi

英語 linden
フランス語 Le tilleul.
アラビア語 أغنية مسلسل سنوات الضياع
ボスニア語 Moj dilbere
Moj dilbere kud se šećeš

haj što i mene ne povedeš

haj što i mene ne povedeš

Povedi me u čaršiji

haj pa me prodaj bazardžiji

haj pa me prodaj bazardžiji

Uzmi za me oku zlata

haj pa pozlati dvoru vrata

haj pa pozlati dvoru vrata

Preuzeto sa: ""


Je suis en train d'apprendre ce chant (Moj dilbere), et j'aimerais en connaitre le sens..
Ca me ferait plaisir de pouvoir le chanter en lui donnant son sens..

フランス語 Mon chéri
ロシア語 Привет Привет
я никогда не изменяла тем мужчинам, с которыми была близка, а сейчас получается изменила моему другу, и странно - мне совершенно не стыдно...Как мне быть, я не знаю. Хотя бы не буду обманывать тебя
Очень много о тебе думаю
О том как ты будешь в Улан-Удэ...
français de france

フランス語 Adultère
英語 hi hi
英語 Letter Part 2
My hearth is really broken, and it hurts, I have understood what “feeling sorrow” really means in this period of my life. Each great moment I shared with you will be staying as sweet memories of my life. I loved you very much, I loved you more than myself “. You were my breath, my soul, and my lifeblood. For the first time in my life I found someone as my darling with whom I get along well this much, and with whom I think the same things at the same time. Being with you gave me such a great happiness, comfort/peace and confidence that at every moment that I came together with you and that I looked at your beautiful blue eyes and your face smiling cozily, I felt myself like free birds which are flying over clouds. But now I'm like a bird with broken wings. You gave my soul peace/comfort all the time. At every time that my phone rang, and it was you, I got excited like the first day. My love and affection toward you is still like the first day. At every time we met, I always got excited and my heart always beat like mad as if we had come together for the first time. Nowadays I fall on very painful and hard times. My one and only aim to write this letter to you is just to share my feelings. During that period you also have been my best friend, but now I feel lonely so much. I know you are the only one who understands me much. I still keep in touch and contact with you, but after every conversation and every meeting, I feel both hope and also an indefinable pain. Actually the best of all would be neither o see nor to talk to you at all, but I'm not sure of it, believe me I also become confused as much as you. While writing this letter to you, I am weeping. And now I am listening to the song named ‘my endless love’ which I already recorded on a CD and sent you. Listening to this song, I think of you all the time. If you listen to it, please think of me, OK?
Take very good care of yourself, please mind your health. Please send my greetings to your warm and sweet family which I love very much, despite that I know them a little. I wish you and also your family ( including Bamse and Lilimiss) good days which is full of happiness, peace and health. I thank you very much for everything. I love you as much as you can't believe...
Don't forget me... Farewell...
PS. : At our last days my face sometimes was sulky because of unhappiness and sorrow. I am sending you my new photo so that you could remember me with my smiling face.

デンマーク語 Brev Del 2
英語 Letter Part 1
I wanted to write this letter to you, because there is no other solution/way for me apart from sharing that pain with you! I really have hard days. I cut myself loose from life and I'm alone with my sorrow. I had very good times with you, I took pleasure in everything we did, and I had fun. Keeping a pet/Feeding animals, going to the cinema, shopping and the parks, eating meals together, wathching movie at home, viewing the magnificent scene from the balcony, and above all, having a chat with you was very very nice and enjoyable. Sleeping by your side was always special for me. When being in your arms, resting my head on your chest, listening to your heartbeats, I felt indefinable peace and confidence with you. You're very special for me, and I know that you have been so honest and sincere toward me all the time. Amongst people whom I have met so far, you are the one with whom I get on very well and whom I love the most in my life. You know how my life conditions are, and as long as your love is inside of me, I don't think that I could have a relationship with an other person. I miss your beautiful and blue eyes, the peace/comfort you made me feel, your sweet voice, and your everything very much. Do you remember that you always said “I'm not so funny person!”, but I always had a great time with you. There is such a big love for you inside of me that you can't imagine it! Now all I want is just to hug you tightly, to wrap you with my love, and to smell you to my heart's content. I miss your smell very very much as well. I know something begins and then finishes in life, but I wish this happiness had never come to an end, and had never slipped down from my hands. I woke from my dream in which I was walking on clouds with your painful decision. I know you wanted it in this way, there is nothing to do and I respect your decision, but now this sweet dream becomes a nightmare which seems not to be over throughout my life. I am so unhappy and so hopeless. While everything is in order -according to me-, I couldn't understand why it suddenly finished and so I became so sad. Now I always question myself to find out where I made a mistake and what my inadequacies are, I'm thinking of these all the time. Maybe you don't find me beautiful, maybe I am boring, maybe I couldn't give you so much happiness, I don't know, I don't know at all, I lose confidence in myself a bit.

デンマーク語 Brev Del 1
スペイン語 Hola me llamo J.M.
Hola, me llamo J.M. Soy colombiano y quisiera ser tu amigo.
quiero traducir el texto a idioma malayo.

Diacritics edited.
Name abbrev. <Lilian>

フランス語 Salut je m'appelle J.M
イタリア語 ciao amore!!!sai non riesco a ritrovarti ma la...
ciao amore!!!sai non riesco a ritrovarti e la tua ex fidanzata non vuole darmi il tuo nuovo numero ma lo trovero prima o poi si è anche inventata che sei fidanzato.ti amo

英語 Hello, darling!!! You know I can't meet you again
デンマーク語 Hej elskede!!!!Du ved, at jeg ikke kan møde dig igen...
アルバニア語 Pershendetje i dashur!!! E di qe nuk po arri qe te gjej por, ...
フランス語 Maîtresse des ombres Seul... Seul à...
Maîtresse des ombres

Seul à jamais
Dans l'ombre
Sans lumière
Au bout du tunnel
Seulement la mort me libérera
De l'infinie solitude
Dont je suis prisonnière...
À jamais...

デンマーク語 Skyggernes elskerinde Ensom...Ensom for
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